About Dr. Jeff

Dr. Jeff Logue is a college professor, author, motivational speaker and counselor.
At the age of 6 his parents were tragically killed in a car accident when a drunk driver hit his family in a head on collision. Adopted by his aunt and uncle, he began a different journey, in a different town, with different friends, and a completely different life. He often wondered the “why” behind his parent’s death but never found that answer. Instead, he slowly found an inner peace.
In college, he found an interest in the field of psychology. Pursuing this new found interest landed him a Master’s degree and ultimately a PhD in Counseling.
Over the years he has accomplished much. However, in this new chapter, his desire is to create a place that anyone can come to be inspired, challenged, encouraged and changed!
Jeff is a husband and a father who enjoys traveling anywhere, spending time with family and exercising his second amendment right!

Get your copy of Dr. Jeff Logue's E-book "How to get what you want when you want it"
Why So Shy: Tips For Overcoming Introversion
By Jeff Logue Ph. D. Recently, I had an opportunity to invest in a particular type of real estate in order to earn passive income. I was really excited about the prospect of making significant money that could potentially pad my pocket. So, my contact told me the...
read moreFailure: The Starting Point to Your Success
By Dr. Jeff and Tammy Logue When we hear the word failure it usually does not bring about a good feeling. Traditionally, that word makes us feel bad. We look at it as a four letter word that we avoid. Contrary to widespread belief, failure is not final. I have...
read moreGhosts: Mistakes of Yesterday
Jeff Logue PhD I don’t know about you but I hate the ghosts of my past. They are like demons that chain me to the cold damp wall of who I don’t want to be. The spirits of yesterday that still remind me of my failures. These ghosts – which I like to call regrets—are...
read moreStop Watering Weeds!
by Tammy Logue I was sitting on my couch one morning drinking my first cup of coffee when I noticed our sprinkler system had come on. Although that is normal, what isn’t normal is that it was watering an area that doesn’t need water. Let me explain… We live on an...
read moreHappiness: It’s a Decision
Tammy Logue Recently, my 14 year old daughter asked me if I was happy. I thought it was an odd question from her, but answered yes. When I quizzed her further about the question, she said, “Don’t mis-understand this mom, but your life doesn’t look very exciting.”...
read moreShifting From Fear to Confidence: Practical Tips for Public Speaking
Jeff Logue, Ph. D. Do you desire to be a fantastic public speaker but find that you struggle with anxiety? I want to help you find solid footing in this area of your life. Let's take a look at a few tips that will help you ditch fear and put on the jacket of...
read moreI Want More!
Tammy Logue How many of you have ever wanted something “more” in your life? Kind of a rhetorical question since I am sure we have ALL wanted more at some point or another. Most of us want more money, more time, more creativity and the list could truly go on and on....
read moreMore. Is it Ever Enough?
Jeff Logue Ph.D. We live in a culture where more is the common goal of our society. We chase across town searching for more of this or more of that. We want more square footage under the roof, more horsepower under the hood, more rungs on the corporate ladder, and...
read moreCan You Be Trusted?
By Jeff Logue Ph.D. Over the summer, my family and I had an opportunity to spend two weeks in Hawaii. It was the vacation of a lifetime for our family! A member of our extended family works for a wealthy business owner who allowed us all to spend time in a condo he...
read moreHow to Succeed in College: Part 3
Jeff Logue Ph.D. Get to know your Prof. Your Prof is just a person. They put on their pants one leg at a time just like you do. Yes, they may hold your academic destiny in the palm of their hand, but you have no reason to fear them. Instead, show respect by showing...
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