
About Dr. Jeff

Dr. Jeff Logue is a college professor, author, motivational speaker and counselor.

At the age of 6 his parents were tragically killed in a car accident when a drunk driver hit his family in a head on collision.  Adopted by his aunt and uncle, he began a different journey, in a different town, with different friends, and a completely different life.  He often wondered the “why” behind his parent’s death but never found that answer.  Instead, he slowly found an inner peace.

In college, he found an interest in the field of psychology.  Pursuing this new found interest landed him a Master’s degree and ultimately a PhD in Counseling.

Over the years he has accomplished much.  However, in this new chapter, his desire is to create a place that anyone can come to be inspired, challenged, encouraged and changed!

Jeff is a husband and a father who enjoys traveling anywhere, spending time with family and exercising his second amendment right!

Get your copy of Dr. Jeff Logue's E-book "How to get what you want when you want it"

How to Stop Procrastinating

This is the second of a series of two blog posts that explore the dynamics of procrastination. In my last post, you learned what procrastination is and why people do it. In this issue, you will learn how to change your procrastination behaviors and enable yourself to...

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Procrastination: The Thief of Time

All of us procrastinate on occasion. For some people, it’s a chronic problem; for others, it’s only a problem in certain life areas. Procrastination is always frustrating because it results in wasted time, lost opportunities, disappointing work performance, and...

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I Have Everything I Want, Buy I’m Still Not Happy?

Signs of Discontent You don’t need a degree in psychology to know when you’re off-track, but sometimes it creeps up on you. It can seem like you wake up one day and realize that things are not right. These are a few of the signs: You don’t want to get out of bed.You...

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You’re Greatest Superpower: Self-Esteem

What Is Self-Esteem? Self-esteem literally means to esteem, or respect, yourself. Having high self-esteem means that you have a positive image of yourself. Let’s look at where such a positive self-image comes from. In her classic book Celebrate Yourself, Dorothy...

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How to Listen for Success

Any professional counselor will tell you that one of the biggest problems they see among their clients is poor listening skills. People get into trouble in their relationships because they have not developed their ability to listen and communicate. Barriers to...

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Releasing Your Regrets

One of the biggest regrets I have is not joining the military. I grew up hearing stories from my uncles about fighting in the Pacific and European campaigns during World War II. My Dad was in the Air Force during the Korean War and my older brother joined the Navy...

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How to Forgive Others

No one gets through life without being hurt by another person. We all have experienced the pain of a thoughtless remark, gossip, or lie. If you have experienced an unhappy marriage, the devastation of infidelity, or suffered physical or emotional abuse, you know what...

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How to Discipline with Love

  The Christmas season is the most anticipated time of the year. There's a special magic in the air that draws friends and family closer together - emotionally and physically. In spite of the magic of the holidays, parents still have to discipline their children....

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Write it in Stone: 3 Super Simple Steps for Writing

As a writer and speaker, nothing brings more satisfaction than seeing another finished product. Unless, of course, it’s holding the published book in my hand. I’ve experienced that a few times in my life. The first time was the completion of my dissertation. The epic...

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Learn How To Get What YOU Want in Life

Learn How To Get What YOU Want in Life

Are you looking for a way to change your circumstances? Do you want to be inspired to achieve more each day? In this fantastic (and free) e-book you’ll learn how to unlock the secrets to personal success.

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